Heritage Conservation 3D Scanning
Heritage conservation 3D scanning has quickly become an important tool for museums around the world. Early adopters of this amazing technology, such as the Smithsonian Museum, the British Museum and the D’Arcy Thompson Museum, already use museum 3D scanning services to great effect. Latest 3D scanning technologies offer amazing scan resolutions and accuracy. Such systems tend to be relatively mobile and use none-contact light measurement technologies to capture virtually any three dimensional form. Hence, they are ideal for a wide variety of museum, archeological, and conservation applications.
Heritage conservation 3D scanning – Using the right 3D scanning technology
It’s really important to understand that specific 3D scanning systems are typically designed for specific scanning tasks. Accordingly, some systems are specifically designed for scanning small objects, whilst others are specifically designed to capture larger objects. Additionally, there are different types of 3D scanning system technologies such as: Lidar (Tripod Laser), Handheld Laser, Laser Arm Metrology, Handheld White Light / LED, Photogrammetry and other systems. Choosing the right 3D scanning system for your particular 3D digital acquisition is essential, as it will affect the resolution accuracy of the final 3D digital model output.
Hence, the reason Superscan use a variety of 3D scanning systems and technologies to ensure the highest quality 3D digital capture of your particular object. Interestingly, some of the high-end systems we use can even 3D scan at micron (sub millimetre) accuracy. Therefore, choosing the right 3D scanning system is so important, so please feel free to talk to us about any project, even if you are at the very early planning stages.
Heritage conservation 3D scanning – Active Museums
Over the next decade, it is anticipated that huge 3D digital libraries of rare artefacts and specimens will be created and shared over the internet. We have entered a new and exciting age of interactive conservation and research, which will undoubtedly benefit future generations. We understand the Smithsonian Museum are actively using 3D scanning to create ‘3D Digital Archives’ of 137 million (Wow!) objects in their various collections! Find out More!
Our comprehensive range of museum and archeological 3D scanning services provide conservation experts with all the 3D digital services they will need.
Superscan provide mobile museum and archeological 3D scanning services that travel to your location. Having worked closely with many conservation professionals over the years, we are experienced at 3D scanning rare and fragile objects and artefacts. We operate a zero-contact policy to ensure that only the clients appropriate curator or conservator has contact with any object we have been asked to 3D scan. Careful pre-scan planning and preparation with the respective curator or conservator is always essential for this type of work. Hence, we always take great care in our approach for each and every project.
- Museum 3D scanning services
- Archeological 3D scanning services
- 3D printing services
- CNC milling services
- Replica making services
With special thanks to: Ashmolean Museum Oxford, Birmingham Museum, TFL – Transport For London Museum, Robert Burns Birthplace Museum, Natural History Museum London and the many other wonderful museums and conservation professionals we have worked with over the years.
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